It’s Live!
It’s Official. My book has dropped and I can’t express just how excited I am for it. Okay, maybe I can just a little… I can’t wait for everyone to enjoy it. Link Below Enjoy your Reading and Don’t forget to review.
Meant To Be
Free books coming on the 26th. My story is… I can’t wait for you guys to read this sweet story that I’ve written. I also plan to post more ( fingers crossed) and wanted to know what you’d like me to talk about here. Hoping that you have not only an amazing week but an amazing day. Ivy out.
2020 Cover Reveal
“Success in life is not for those who run fast, but for those who keep running and always on the move.” ― Bangambiki Habyarimana, Pearls Of Eternity First off, Happy New Year! It’s been a year since I signed with Perceptive Illusions Publishing, Inc and since then, I’ve been working non-stop. I’ve learned so much, that I become more and more aware of things I don’t know. I can’t say it’s been easy, but every step has been worth it, nothing worth having is easy. I love the journey I’m on, and I couldn’t be more blessed by the women I’m working with. They not only comfort me when…
Hi! Wicked Prince Charming is HERE!
It is out! The Wicked Prince Charming Collection is now at its first ball. The release features my sister authors Blue Saffire, Tiya Rayne, KT Adler, and myself. I am so excited to see your reactions and a bit concerned, as we are hoping you will be able to function after encountering our wicked, wicked fairy tales. *Wink* Let me share below the delicious summary and a snippet from my own Wicked Charming Tale, The Cursed. Decima Morta I don’t want a Happily Ever After. I want a normal life. At the moment, I just want to capture a thief, but the ceiling has…
Books and Music
Books and Music +Music and Books = Bomb Book The two are hard to separate for me. One, music often inspires the scenes I write and pushes my emotional state to a place I wouldn’t be able to get easily alone. So, because I am looking to be more popular and I want you to pay attention me. I’m going to tell you the five songs that are my go too’s for emotional despair and *insert wink” Freaky min set. When I need to tap into that darkness, the bit of my writing that makes readers shudder and cringe. Kerli Walking on Air is perfect. I love…