
The Beginning…


Welcome to my site. I think a welcome from your friendly #DarkMuse and your roaming #Owl is in order before anything else.


I have been writing forever, but when it comes to writing about myself… I can be like a ghost. Seriously, it’s like I have this weird ability to find my own life less than amusing, only to suddenly remember the awkward yet humorous events that occur to me and my family. Like the time my middle sister indulged in a dark chocolate cupcake.



This cupcake was so chocolatey with chocolate crumbles, and a chocolate glaze. A dietitian’s worse nightmare, so my middle sister devoured this thing leaving nothing for me and being her sister, I silently glared at her from over the rim of my book (Note: Book was Namahs Kiss by Jaqueline Carrey best book ever!)


Anyway, she ate this monstrous chocolate mountain and proceeded to act like someone who’d smoke entirely too much marijuana. She giggled, she stumbled and tripped, and decided to cling to me. Ruining my reading time which, was to her; the most hilarious thing in the world to do.



Note: I was not amused.


Reminiscing about this short but hilarious family moment, I realized I had more than enough material to blog about, my sister’s shenanigans included.

Like explaining stimulation of male organ to my sister, and my mother randomly popping in the conversation… mind you, we are all in our twenties, but… still awkward.



Anyway, I hope you enjoy both my books, my #owl thoughts and welp, my site.

Good day and Goodnight.

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