Doing you = Being yourself
“ Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.” – Bernard M. Maruch” “Do you.” When I hear this I always think, “I am.” But what is “Doing me?” Is it being positive? Is it being my own person? Doing you, is the biggest vibe all authors have to take on because in writing we can only be ourselves. From the way we word a certain sentence to how we have our characters view the world, the only way we can do it is through our own incite and fingers. My…
Beignets and Conferences
HI! Another Blog. The minute I returned home from the conference and cruise I crashed. Like full face palm into my bed. I spent a day sleeping, like on and off sleeping. I sent off a few emails, and once more curled full body onto the floor (Am I the only one who occasionally sleeps on the floor?) Anyway, with the conference and the cruise over, I decided to list five things you should do before a conference. This is a list based on my personally opinion more than anything, I’m hoping to make conference going a thing. Any way… here we go. 1. Pack a…